St. Louis Sedation Dentist Discusses Dental Crowns

A dental crown strengthens the tooth and enhances its performance. Nowadays, a wide variety of dental crowns are available . They cover the visible parts of the tooth and perform many different functions. In this post, our St. Louis sedation dentist will share some facts about dental crowns. A Dental Crown A dental crown is a tiny structure which is placed on top of a damaged tooth. It is used to restore the lost tooth structure. It helps to get back the full form of the tooth and enables it to perform its functions. It is also known as a 'cap'. A crown gives strength to the tooth. It is used when there are cracks and large broken-down fillings or when root canal has been performed. Types Of Dental Crowns Dental crowns are made from different materials. They have different forms and functions. The most common type of crown is the PFM or porcelain fused to high-noble metal. A gold crown is a full cast high noble metal crown. A stainless steel cro...